Career Development (Part 1)

Career Development (Part 1)

Once in the leadership position, it’s just a matter of time when you will have to address the needs of career growth of your team. This is probably something worth writing a book about, but let us try to go...

Power of Retrospectives

Power of Retrospectives

There are always at least some meetings in the team’s life. Daily, planning, sprint/work review, or simply one of the many group work sessions. If I’d have to choose one as the most important, that would be the retrospective. Why?...

Handling Your Own Emotions

Handling Your Own Emotions

One of the more (if not the most!) challenging aspects of leadership, especially for any new folks on the job, is the roller coaster of emotions you can collect in a single day, from heights of significant achievements to the...

Frequent Feedback

Frequent Feedback

Feedback is the tool that just cannot be over-estimated enough when working with your direct reports. Actually, it extends even further than your immediate team, and if executed mindfully, it massively helps to accomplish yours, your team’s, and even your...