New Boss
For one or another reason, your manager - your boss - is changing. Seemingly nothing else, just your manager. So nothing to worry about. Right?
For one or another reason, your manager - your boss - is changing. Seemingly nothing else, just your manager. So nothing to worry about. Right?
Did you ever have to build a flexible authorization system from scratch? Then you also have a good idea of how complicated handling confidential information in real life can be. Except, the real-life version is even more nuanced and does...
Trust is the dark matter of leadership. Of course, nothing holds together without trust, but “gaining trust” is often used so vague that one could doubt what it is really about. So let’s look at some practical ways to create...
There’s an invitation pending in your calendar. You check it out and subconsciously hold your breath. Something called a “skip-level meeting” is about to happen with your manager’s manager. What you’re going to talk about? You don’t know this person...
Everybody hates micromanagement. Want to become the most dreaded leader in your company? Earn your name as a micromanager. But, unfortunately, it’s such a sticky topic that way too many are waving it away as fast as possible as if...